Wednesday, August 8, 2012


In Life. There are many choice to make, some easy, others challenging, a couple are difficult, while some could be practically impossible. These choices go a long way, into the core of our existence.

It is no surprise to note that:
* HATE has 4 letters, but so does LOVE.
* ENEMIES has 7, but so does FRIENDS.
* LYING has 5, but so does TRUTH.
* HURT has 4, but so does HEAL.
* NEGATIVE has 8, but so does POSITIVE.
* FAILURE has 7, but so does SUCCESS.
* UNDER has 5, but so does ABOVE
* SLOW has 4, but so does FAST
* RIGHT has 5, but so does WRONG
* PEACE has 5, but so does CHAOS
* ANGEL has 5, but so does DEMON
* GOOD has 4, but so does EVIL

Is all this by coincidence?

In life, we always have the power to make choices, Its is known, that "no one is made inferior without his own consent".

The choices we make goes a long way to shape our future.
We believe we have done these things today, but the implications leave forever.

Whenever you have to make a choice, Choose wisely!


David Silva


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